Laser Hair Removal

For many men and women, unwanted hair has a very negative impact on self-esteem. Women with unwanted hair on the face can lead to embarrassment.

Areas of unwanted hair requiring repeated shaving, such as underarm hair, bikini line hair, and leg hair, can cause irritation, red bumps, or infected hairs known as folliculitis.

Stop shaving, waxing, tweezing and painful electrolysis! Laser hair removal is a safe, comfortable process for women and men that reduces the growth and appearance of hair almost anywhere on your body!* Laser hair removal at Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery is safe for all skin colors.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Using concentrated energy, laser hair removal technology targets hair follicles and emits pulses of light that stop the growth of the hair. The laser emits a single wavelength of light which is absorbed by the melanin in the hair causing the skin’s melanin to heat up and the heat causes the surrounding hair cell to be damaged. As repeated treatments are done, more and more follicles are damaged resulting in less hair growth.

Dr. Greg Chernoff is a recognized expert in laser technology. He was featured on NBC Dateline highlighting his extensive research in “Laser Hair Modification”. Advanced lasers utilized for hair modification can cause the same amount of damage to hair follicles that previously accepted treatments such as electrolysis can. Dr. Chernoff reassures laser hair removal patients that the benefit of utilizing the laser, particularly in large areas of hair, is that it is faster and has been reported as less painful than electrolysis.* The FDA has approved Laser Hair Modification for hair reduction.

Who Can Benefit from Laser Hair Removal?

Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery uses state-of-the-art laser systems to safely and effectively reduce and remove unwanted hair. Overall, anywhere you have unwanted hair on your body and face, we use safe, targeted laser technology to remove hair at the root and prevent it from coming back. Most areas require multiple treatments depending on the density and thickness of the hair and the hair follicle growth cycle. However, unwanted hair can be removed in as little as four treatments.*

Common areas our patients choose for laser hair removal are:

  • Arms
  • Back
  • Bikini area
  • Chest
  • Chin
  • Face
  • Lip (upper)
  • Legs
  • Shoulders
  • Stomach
  • Underarm
  • Upper Lip, Cheeks, & Chin

Our registered nurses are trained and certified to perform laser hair removal. Dr. Chernoff has been training nurses and doctors for over 20 years. He is an expert in the field of all types of laser treatments.

Prior to any treatment or procedure, Dr. Chernoff or one of our trained and certified Health Care Providers determine if you are a candidate, review the risk and benefits, and provide all possible treatment alternatives.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

The light energy from the laser causes progressive damage to the hair follicles. This can cause miniaturization of the hair follicles or regeneration of tiny hair follicles near the surface of the skin. Both of these features yield modification of the growth process converting thick, dark hairs into fine peach fuzz hairs.

Typically, with each laser treatment, less hair grows back, and it grows back thinner and finer. This means that in any given area after a period of time longer than the normal hair growth cycle, we will see a reduction of terminal growing hairs.

During the laser hair removal procedure, patients feel a warm sensation. Every person’s pain tolerance is different. There is no downtime or recovery. Patients can resume activities directly following the treatment.*

What Are the Results?

For most laser hair removal patients, we recommend a series of six treatments performed one month apart.* This works with the follicle growth cycle and provides the best results.

The exact number of treatments is different for each person. Hair thickness, hair color, and the location of the hair removal will determine the number of treatments.

During your consultation, we will provide a recommended number of treatments and the cost.