LED Light Therapy

LED red light is treating the facial skin of a young woman. High quality 4k footage

Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA offers light therapies, including Multi-Wave LED light.

Multi-wave LED lights have been around since the 1960s, but have only recently been used as a skin treatment and as a compatible procedure with medically supervised facials.

Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery’s licensed aestheticians offer complimentary consultations to discuss our facial options along with other treatments to help our patients achieve their skin improvement goals.

What Are the Benefits of Light Therapy?

LED, or light emitting diode therapy, is a skincare treatment that uses varying wavelengths of light including red and blue. Different wavelengths of the visible light spectrum correspond to different colors of LED light and penetrate the skin to varying depths.

The benefits of LED light therapy at Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery include:

  • Stimulates Collagen Growth
  • Reduces Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Reduces P Bacteria Acne
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Promotes healing*
  • Promotes hair growth and scalp health
  • Red and blue lights are typically promoted in LED skin treatment with Blue LED light most often used to treat acne.

Focused Pulse Light therapy is similar to Intense Pulsed Light, this treatment brightens skin and is an excellent add-on to any facial to enhance results.*

Prior to any treatment or procedure, Dr. Chernoff or one of our trained and certified Health Care Providers determine if you are a candidate, review the risk and benefits, and provide all possible treatment alternatives.